Corporations, businesses or individuals may sponsor a specific LDA Fraser South program or service. With the launch of our new website and logo, we are introducing our “donor wall” as a way of recognizing all of the individuals, businesses and foundations that provide funding that keeps our programs and services active.
There are four recognition giving levels: Platinum $10,000+, Gold $1,000+, Silver $500+ and Bronze $250+.
Sponsor a Link
With the launch of our new website we have created a section for businesses and sole proprietorship to have links to their websites for an annual fee. This source of revenue will be put towards administrative operations of our programs. Please note that your services must benefit individuals with LD and/or ADHD.
One Time Gifts
A donation can be made in any amount at any time! To make a donation send us the completed Tax Deductible Donation Form to the address listed below with your cheque payable to: LDAFS or call us at 604.591.5156 to provide your credit card information. Online Donations coming soon!
Canada Helps
Donate through Canada Helps here.
Fundraising Events
Fundraising Events
Through sponsored fundraising activities through your home, workplace or with your friends. Examples such as garage sales, BBQ’s, home parties, car washes, etc.